IT Cortex Organization

Suit the action to the word, the word to the action.

William Shakespeare, Hamlet

How IT Cortex applies its tenets to itself

IT Cortex is organized as a network of highly experienced free-lance consultants. Project teams self-assemble based on affinity and specialty. There is no hierarchy and no upper authority that assigns resources to projects. The brain cortex also displays the self-assembling propriety of neurons during a learning process. IT Cortex operating structure is designed so as to :

  • meet sophisticated customers demands
  • be highly flexible
  • minimize its operating costs
  • attract the best possible consultants
  • adjust itself easily to fluctuations in the market conjuncture

Some consultants secure their income by providing leads, others by selling contracts, others by delivering projects. Each one gets remunerated based on his or her contribution to the overall revenue flow. Large consultancies are sometimes timidly attempting to mimic that kind of organization within their bulky structure. They want their consultants to be held responsible to find their projects by networking inside or outside their organization. 

Good consultants within our organization are rewarded by easily finding new engagements or - if they manage to bring in new engagements themselves - their projects are easily staffed because they are well scoped, well defined and have clear and achievable objectives. Less talented consultants tend to fall through the meshes of the net by having a poor occupation rate. IT Cortex pushes this natural selection process to its full consequences in order to guarantee top quality professionals. Its network is open to highly experienced free-lance professionals. Contrary to permanent members of staff they are free to come and go (only when their commitment toward a project has been met). They collaborate with IT Cortex only if both parties share the interest in doing so. That symbiotic relationship ensures much stronger ties with good consultants than what any contractual relationship can possibly achieve.

Contrary to large consultancies, IT Cortex

  • does not use its senior consultants to sell jobs and send afterwards juniors to execute it, sometimes placing the customer in a position where he has to provide himself the guidance to those inexperienced consultants,
  • works only with experienced professionals who combine both a pragmatic, result-oriented approach and a insightful vision based on state of the art consulting concepts,
  • applies reasonable rates because it works with truly minimal overhead costs thereby guaranteeing both reasonable fees for its customers and a motivating income for its consultants

IT Cortex network organization optimizes its efficiency at securing and using the right human resources during the ebb and flow of the market. It does not weaken itself by hiring and firing bursts through which large consulting organizations inevitably pass as the economic conjuncture fluctuates.

This specific network organization has no impact whatsoever on customers who always have a single point of contact with an IT Cortex representative. They also benefit from a commitment of the whole network to deliver the results promised.

Additional information about a possible partnership with IT Cortex - be it as a customer or as a consultant - can be obtained by contacting us.